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3 Tips For Accepting Help And Support When You’re Hurt Or Sick

For many people, getting hurt or sick can be a real bummer simply because they then have to ask for help from others and rely on them for some of their basic needs to be fulfilled. And while this can be inconvenient, it’s often much worse if you try to do everything yourself or continually reject offers of help from those who love and are for you.

So whether you’re a new parent who just gave birth or someone who’s having to move into an assisted living facility to get the level of care you need, here are three tips for accepting help and support when you’re hurt or sick. 

Consider How You’d Want A Loved One To Act In Your Same Situation

Oftentimes, the way that we respond in difficult situations isn’t the same way that we’d want or expect others to respond. When you have a loved one who’s been hurt or sick, it’s many people’s first instinct to want to jump in and help however they can. But when you yourself get sick, you don’t want to put anyone out. 

To make it easier for you to accept the help that you likely need during this time, consider how you’d want a loved one to act in your same situation. If you’d want them to let you serve them, then you should allow yourself to be served in that same way. 

Expect To Be Asked About What You Need

When people find out that you’re sick or hurt, it’s very likely that they’re going to reach out to you to see how they can help. So to help you be ready for this conversation, it’s wise to think about how you could respond to them when they offer assistance to you. This way, you don’t feel quite so put on the spot and you’re able to give them a real answer.

Depending on what you’re going through, you could respond with requests for a meal, help with daily chores, a ride to an appointment, or even just someone to give you a call a few times a week to check on you. By doing this, you’ll get the help you need and can allow your loved ones to offer you care. 

Stop Viewing Help And Support As You Being Selfish

Many people don’t like to get help from others because they don’t want to be viewed as selfish. But when you’re legitimately hurt or sick, accepting help that people offer you isn’t selfish in the slightest. If you can begin to view your situation as a way to allow others to feel like they’re serving you and making a difference, it can make you feel much more at ease about being given support.

You have loved ones who want to help you. So if you’re sick or hurt, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you better accept this support when you truly need it.

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